Frequently, I catch myself thinking "I wonder what other moms do about this". So I thought I would post some things that other moms could respond to and give their advice on.
1. How do you open the plastic containers of vegetables and fruit without tasting the food yourself? I end up opening the containers with my mouth because its too hard with my fingers and almost every time I do this, baby food shoots in to my mouth. I now know why Kaylor makes her funny faces.
2. Do you just wake up your child every time they fall asleep in their car seat when its time to get out of the car? It is so hard for her to take naps at home, but the minute I put her in the car, she is asleep. Then 5 minutes later I get somewhere I have to wake her up.
3. How do you wash their hair when they are sitting up in their tub without pouring water down their face and in to their eyes? I try so hard to lean her head back, but she refuses to keep it there.
Just some questions I frequently have that I thought would be interesting to hear what other moms have to say.
We're looking forward to Kaylors first Halloween!! I went ahead and posted her duck outfit at the top that Josh took of her last week. Too bad she can't really trick-or-treat yet. But maybe Mommy can push her around and enjoy a whole bag of candy for herself :)
Her are some recent pictures:
Rainy Day
I ABSOLUTELY love that picture of Kaylor. What a cute little ducky. I am so proud that it is in my backyard, because I got to be apart of the memory. Thank you for that! :)
About your questions...Lord knows, I don't have all the answers, but I will help if I can.
For the food containers...
I used to open one side with my fingers while holding at the bottom of the container. Sometimes, I noticed that if I was holding at the top of the container, the food would shoot out. When you get to glass containers (stage 3) it is much easier...I will tell you that.
About the car know I have the same problem. Let me know what you find out.
Josh just started a routine with Maggie about doing her hair. She is sitting up and he would say "Maggie are you ready to go swoosh...!!!" and then pour the water over her head. She started to understand expect it and now loves it when he does it. He tried the whole leaning her back thing, but one she hated it, two it was too hard for him to hold her and wash all at the same time, and three it was tough on his defib.
Hope that helps! Miss you!
food squirted out every time. I never used my mouth to open them (lol) so I didn't have to taste it.
we try to keep mason awake if it is a short ride during nap time. dover will mess with him if he is in the car or I will give him a toy or food or sippy cup to keep him awake. we try to plan things around naptime, so we don't have this problem very often.
as for washing her hair, i just lay him back in the tub...mason never minded. now we are in the real tub (not the baby tub) and i only fill it up a few inches so i can still lay him back. he knows what "lay still" means, so if he is wiggly, i just tell him to lay still.
i don't think i was much help...sorry.
Oh girl, I just pour the water all over her head and face. Poor Isabella :) I kind of do the lower back hair and then the sides and then work towards getting the top of her head and that's when it gets all in her face. I try to do it REALLY fast so she doesn't fuss but for just a second. Is that so mean of me? :) I also try to keep her up in the car if it's a short ride with a DVD or I sing her favorite songs to her until we get there. Anyway, love the ducky costume. That's what Isabella is this year. So cute.
Hey Courtney. I have found if you don't shake the containers and hold at the bottom like Alison said it won't shoot out-opening it really slow helps too.
Chase used to wake right up when we got out of the car but when he hit about 9 months, he would stay asleep or go right back to sleep when we got inside. I never really woke him up-just got his car seat out and moved him-sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't.
I put my hand over Chase's eyes and dump the water. Then run my hand up towards his hair line to get the extra water away from his face. He fusses some but not much. It keeps a lot of water out-but I have just dumped it over his head before, too.
Probably not much help. Good luck. Ask anything anytime!
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